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加州 | 3天拿投行offer!学员超干货面试分享!

恭喜我们的学员Toby在3天内就拿到了dream offer!!




来美国7年,口语水平友人认为非常棒(已经接近于本土化),写作就一般般。自身有4个金融学位(两个大专学位,一个本科,一个研究生), 但是都不是在名校拿的。除了一个以前在韩国公司担任的电商管理比较相近的工作经验以外,可以说是毫无金融相关经验。硬技能的话就是Word,PPT,Excel,另加在培训机构学的SQL和Tableau。

求职职业Financial analyst

OfferInvestment Bank Intern


5月到6月底,首先是自己找,我自己 In**D, Glassd**r, 还有各种各样的网站投简历。在两个月内投120封简历,有回信的就那么10间。电话面试了3家这样。

后来就是联系上Ecare帮找了, 首先提出我自己想要什么样的工作(地点),然后秘书23就帮我筛选出最好的职业方向。 好像就等了一个月不到吧,就有回信说投资银行想面试我(大家不要以为这很慢,你对比我之前两个月都毫无音信就知道了)。



每个工作有每个工作的需求。最好是第一找Ecare小秘书,问问职位技能需求是什么。然后面试之前赶快把自己对比一下技能需求。如果有一方面觉得自己不是很自信的。请移步到Ecare自家准备的视频(excel, Sql, python etc.),赶快补习知识点。还有一个重点是,一定要自己弄个面试笔记,然后把肯能在面试出现的问题和结合自己背景的答案列出来。以下就是我自己想出来的投资银行问题

Sample questions:

a. Introduce yourself

b. Why this industry that you are applying?

c. Why do you want to work for us?

d. What do you know about us?

e. Tell me about discount cash flow?

f. Tell me about leverage buy out?

g. How do you see yourself in 5 years?

h. What are some of your strengths and weaknesses?

i. Can you tell me how many pigs in China? (这个是我在网上找到的,我看到的时候,我也是懵的。但是我也是准备了一下。)

j. Do you have any question for us?

a. Could you describe a day of this position for me, please?

b. Does the company provide any training?

c. How can I prepare myself to level up to the next career path?

d. How do you see the company in 5 years?





第二次是面对面形式的面试。 正装上阵,我这个人有点焦虑症,我早了两个小时到公司楼下的咖啡厅喝茶,尽量然自己平静下来。然后提早15分钟上公司前台。吃个薄荷片,让自己更醒神一点。他一进门就说随便坐。然后就开始问好多问题:

1. Tell me about yourself.

2. What do you want to work for investment bank?

3. Why do you want to work for us?

4. Do you have a basic understanding of your job duties?

5. So I see that you have done a lot of projects in school, can you explain your final thesis to me?

6. What about other projects that are lists on your resume?

7. Tell me one situation that involve you overcome the difficulties in doing projects?

8. Tell me one projects that you did involved DCF?

9. Can you tell me about your past work experiences?

10. How can you contribute to our company?

11. Do you see yourself in the front side of the company or the back end of the operations? (negotiation or data analytic)

12. What is your availability?

13. Any questions for me?

a. Could you describe a day of this position for me, please?

b. Does the company provide any training?

c. How can I prepare myself to level up to the next career path?

d. How do you see the company in 5 years?

e. Do you guys sponsor training or license that I would like to get and able to contribute to the company’s operation?

f. Would I be working alone and report to my supervisor or I would be working with a group of peers?

g. When can I hear back from this position?

h. Since we had this interview, Is there anything that would stop you from hiring me? (这个我觉得一定要问,我当时已经占用了他一个小时,我就没好意思问。。)

后来就回家等通知,三天后就收到邮件说,给offer了。我也是超级高兴,能有投行的面试还能一次性通过? 反正我是没听过。










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